Common issues faced by Young Startup Founders in Singapore

Common issues faced by Young Startup Founders in Singapore – Starting up is a very fun and exciting phase in life? There are so many ideas in your mind and there are so many things that you want and intend to achieve. You can be planning for something way bigger than what you have ever thought you could do and the prospects of that is very exciting and fun! Singapore is a place of opportunities but with this small market it is also a very challenging place to start up a business. Business start-ups are the way to a great future for most people and this is also one of the things that most people are not familiar with.

Young start up founders are also usually the first timer founders who are trying to find out something that they are not aware of and also something that they are trying for the first time. The chances of failing is high, very high. It might not work out for them but it might also be one of the best things that they have ever tried in terms of growth.

Startup accounting services is also one of the things that businesses can look into to get work done.

There are so many things that can go right or go wrong and the best things to do is to solve issues along the way and see the future unfold in front of you.

So what are some of the common issues faced by this young startup founders?


Funding is one of the key things that may make or break a business. The thing about having funding is that you can make more money with money through marketing or using it to hire better people. Funding is also something that most founders are not aware how to get. There is a lot of money lying around in this world but how do you actually get funding from people who are keen to grow the pie with you and make the business take off. There are many ways to structure your business to make it sexy so that more people will want to come on board and support your product or services. This is also something that will make you stand out and be different and also become a better founder.

Lack of experience

This is where founder mentors come in. There are many things that you can make a mistake in like trying to find the best accountant or trying to get the best marketing person on board. How do you qualify this people and how do you actually reach out to client and close them. There are many ways that you can get all this work done but what is the most efficient manner. The best way is to learn from a trusted mentor who is also one of the more successful business people in the market so that you can learn instead of failing where he or she has previously failed.

Being stubborn on decisions

Sometimes when you realize something is not working anymore, do not keep going down the same path. There is something about founders that they think that not giving up is something that they should do. But the wise man will know that some paths lead to nothing. The fact is if you know that after a period of time that things are not working, you should just let it go so that you can divert resources towards something that is more worthwhile.

Common issues faced by Young Startup Founders in Singapore

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